Source code for diffprivlib.mechanisms.snapping

The Snapping mechanism in differential privacy, which eliminates a weakness to floating point errors in the classic
Laplace mechanism with standard Laplace sampling.
import struct

import numpy as np
    from crlibm import log_rn  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    log_rn = np.log

from diffprivlib.mechanisms import LaplaceTruncated

[docs]class Snapping(LaplaceTruncated): r""" The Snapping mechanism for differential privacy. First proposed by Ilya Mironov [Mir12]_. It eliminates a vulnerability stemming from the representation of reals as floating-point numbers in implementations of the classic Laplace mechanism and its variants which use the inverse CDF of the Laplace distribution to sample it. It causes a high degree of reduction in the granularity of the output. For the most faithful implementation of the mechanism, the ``crlibm`` package should be installed. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Privacy parameter :math:`\epsilon` for the mechanism. Must be in [:math:`2 \eta`, ∞], where :math:`\eta` is the machine epsilon of the floating point type. sensitivity : float The sensitivity of the mechanism. Must be in [0, ∞). lower : float The lower bound of the mechanism. upper : float The upper bound of the mechanism. random_state : int or RandomState, optional Controls the randomness of the mechanism. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during randomisation, ``random_state`` has to be fixed to an integer. References ---------- .. [Mir12] Mironov, Ilya. "On significance of the least significant bits for differential privacy." Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications security (2012). """ def __init__(self, *, epsilon, sensitivity, lower, upper, random_state=None): super().__init__(epsilon=epsilon, sensitivity=sensitivity, delta=0.0, lower=lower, upper=upper, random_state=random_state) self._bound = self._scale_bound() @classmethod def _check_epsilon_delta(cls, epsilon, delta): epsilon, delta = super()._check_epsilon_delta(epsilon, delta) machine_epsilon = np.finfo(float).epsneg if epsilon <= 2 * machine_epsilon: raise ValueError("Epsilon must be at least as large as twice the machine epsilon for the floating point " "type, as the effective epsilon must be non-negative") return epsilon, delta def _scale_bound(self): """ Scales the lower and upper bounds to be proportionate to sensitivity 1, and symmetrical about 0. For sensitivity 0, only centres the bound, as scaling up and down is not defined. Returns ------- float A symmetric bound around 0 scaled to sensitivity 1 """ if self.sensitivity == 0: return (self.upper - self.lower) / 2.0 return (self.upper - self.lower) / 2.0 / self.sensitivity def _truncate(self, value): if value > self._bound: return self._bound if value < -self._bound: return -self._bound return value def bias(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def variance(self, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def effective_epsilon(self): r""" Returns the effective value used in the Snapping mechanism to give the required :math:`\epsilon`-DP, based on the bounds and the machine epsilon. Based on section 5.2 of [Mir12]_. Returns ------- float The effective value of :math:`\epsilon` """ machine_epsilon = np.finfo(float).epsneg return (self.epsilon - 2 * machine_epsilon) / (1 + 12 * self._bound * machine_epsilon)
def _scale_and_offset_value(self, value): """ Centre value around 0 with symmetric bound and scale to sensitivity 1 Parameters ---------- value : float value to be scaled Returns ------- float value offset to be centered on 0 and scaled to sensitivity 1 """ value_scaled = value / self.sensitivity return value_scaled - self._bound - (self.lower / self.sensitivity) def _reverse_scale_and_offset_value(self, value): return (value + self._bound) * self.sensitivity + self.lower @staticmethod def _get_nearest_power_of_2(x): def float_to_bits(d): s = struct.pack('>d', d) return struct.unpack('>q', s)[0] def bits_to_float(b): s = struct.pack('>q', b) return struct.unpack('>d', s)[0] bits = float_to_bits(x) mantissa_size = np.finfo(float).nmant if bits % (1 << mantissa_size) == 0: return x return bits_to_float(((bits >> mantissa_size) + 1) << mantissa_size) def _round_to_nearest_power_of_2(self, value, lambda_): """ Performs the rounding step from [Mir12]_ with ties resolved towards +∞ Parameters ---------- value : float Value to be rounded Returns ------- float Rounded value """ if self.epsilon == float('inf'): # infinitely small rounding return value remainder = value % lambda_ if remainder > lambda_ / 2: return value - remainder + lambda_ if remainder == lambda_ / 2: return value + remainder return value - remainder def _uniform_sampler(self): """ Uniformly sample the full domain of floating-point numbers between (0, 1), rather than only multiples of 2^-53. A uniform distribution over D ∩ (0, 1) can be generated by independently sampling an exponent from the geometric distribution with parameter .5 and a significand by drawing a uniform string from {0, 1}^52 [Mir12]_ Based on code recipe in Python standard library documentation [Py21]_. Returns ------- float A value sampled from float in (0, 1) with probability proportional to the size of the infinite-precision real interval each float represents References ---------- .. [Py21] The Python Standard Library. "random — Generate pseudo-random numbers", 2021 """ mantissa_size = np.finfo(float).nmant mantissa = 1 << mantissa_size | self._getrandbits(mantissa_size) exponent = -(mantissa_size + 1) x = 0 while not x: x = self._getrandbits(32) exponent += x.bit_length() - 32 return np.ldexp(mantissa, exponent) def _getrandbits(self, bits): try: return self._rng.getrandbits(bits) except AttributeError: return self._rng.randint(0, 2 ** bits) @staticmethod def _laplace_sampler(unif_bit, unif): r""" Laplace inverse CDF random sampling implementation which uses full domain uniform sampling and exact log implementation from crlibm (if installed), as mentioned in [Mir12]_. Outputs a random value scaled according to privacy budget and sensitivity 1, as bounds and input are scaled to sensitivity 1 before Laplacian noise is added. Returns ------- float Random value from Laplace distribution scaled according to :math:`\epsilon` """ laplace = (-1) ** unif_bit * log_rn(unif) return laplace
[docs] def randomise(self, value): """Randomise `value` with the mechanism. Parameters ---------- value : float The value to be randomised. Returns ------- float The randomised value. """ self._check_all(value) if self.sensitivity == 0: return self._truncate(value) value_scaled_offset = self._scale_and_offset_value(value) value_clamped = self._truncate(value_scaled_offset) scale = 1.0 / self.effective_epsilon() # everything is already scaled to sensitivity 1 lambda_ = self._get_nearest_power_of_2(scale) laplace = scale * self._laplace_sampler(self._getrandbits(1), self._uniform_sampler()) value_rounded = self._round_to_nearest_power_of_2(value_clamped + laplace, lambda_) return self._reverse_scale_and_offset_value(self._truncate(value_rounded))