Source code for diffprivlib.mechanisms.exponential

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Implementation of the standard exponential mechanism, and its derivative, the hierarchical mechanism.
from numbers import Real

import numpy as np

from diffprivlib.mechanisms.base import DPMechanism, bernoulli_neg_exp
from diffprivlib.mechanisms.binary import Binary
from diffprivlib.utils import copy_docstring

[docs] class Exponential(DPMechanism): r""" The exponential mechanism for achieving differential privacy on candidate selection, as first proposed by McSherry and Talwar. The exponential mechanism achieves differential privacy by randomly choosing a candidate subject to candidate utility scores, with greater probability given to higher-utility candidates. Paper link: Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Privacy parameter :math:`\epsilon` for the mechanism. Must be in (0, ∞]. sensitivity : float The sensitivity in utility values to a change in a datapoint in the underlying dataset. utility : list A list of non-negative utility values for each candidate. monotonic : bool, default: False Specifies if the utility function is monotonic, i.e. that adding an individual to the underlying dataset can only increase the values in `utility`. candidates : list, optional An optional list of candidate labels. If omitted, the zero-indexed list [0, 1, ..., n] is used. measure : list, optional An optional list of measures for each candidate. If omitted, a uniform measure is used. random_state : int or RandomState, optional Controls the randomness of the mechanism. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during randomisation, ``random_state`` has to be fixed to an integer. """ def __init__(self, *, epsilon, sensitivity, utility, monotonic=False, candidates=None, measure=None, random_state=None): super().__init__(epsilon=epsilon, delta=0.0, random_state=random_state) self.sensitivity = self._check_sensitivity(sensitivity) self.utility, self.candidates, self.measure = self._check_utility_candidates_measure(utility, candidates, measure) self.monotonic = bool(monotonic) self._probabilities = self._find_probabilities(self.epsilon, self.sensitivity, self.utility, self.monotonic, self.measure) @classmethod def _check_epsilon_delta(cls, epsilon, delta): if not delta == 0: raise ValueError("Delta must be zero") return super()._check_epsilon_delta(epsilon, delta) @classmethod def _check_sensitivity(cls, sensitivity): if not isinstance(sensitivity, Real): raise TypeError("Sensitivity must be numeric") if sensitivity < 0: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be non-negative") return float(sensitivity) @classmethod def _check_utility_candidates_measure(cls, utility, candidates, measure): if not isinstance(utility, list): raise TypeError(f"Utility must be a list, got a {utility}.") if not all(isinstance(u, Real) for u in utility): raise TypeError("Utility must be a list of real-valued numbers.") if len(utility) < 1: raise ValueError("Utility must have at least one element.") if np.isinf(utility).any(): raise ValueError("Utility must be a list of finite numbers.") if candidates is not None: if not isinstance(candidates, list): raise TypeError(f"Candidates must be a list, got a {type(candidates)}.") if len(candidates) != len(utility): raise ValueError("List of candidates must be the same length as the list of utility values.") if measure is not None: if not isinstance(measure, list): raise TypeError(f"Measure must be a list, got a {type(measure)}.") if not all(isinstance(m, Real) for m in measure): raise TypeError("Measure must be a list of real-valued numbers.") if np.isinf(measure).any(): raise ValueError("Measure must be a list of finite numbers.") if len(measure) != len(utility): raise ValueError("List of measures must be the same length as the list of utility values.") return utility, candidates, measure @classmethod def _find_probabilities(cls, epsilon, sensitivity, utility, monotonic, measure): scale = epsilon / sensitivity / (2 - monotonic) if sensitivity / epsilon > 0 else float("inf") # Set max utility to 0 to avoid overflow on high utility; will be normalised out before returning utility = np.array(utility) - max(utility) if np.isinf(scale): probabilities = np.isclose(utility, 0).astype(float) else: probabilities = np.exp(scale * utility) probabilities *= np.array(measure) if measure else 1 probabilities /= probabilities.sum() return np.cumsum(probabilities) def _check_all(self, value): super()._check_all(value) self._check_sensitivity(self.sensitivity) self._check_utility_candidates_measure(self.utility, self.candidates, self.measure) if value is not None: raise ValueError(f"Value to be randomised must be None. Got: {value}.") return True @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.bias) def bias(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.variance) def variance(self, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def randomise(self, value=None): """Select a candidate with differential privacy. Parameters ---------- value : None Ignored. Returns ------- int or other The randomised candidate. """ self._check_all(value) rand = self._rng.random() if np.any(rand <= self._probabilities): idx = np.argmax(rand <= self._probabilities) elif np.isclose(rand, self._probabilities[-1]): idx = len(self._probabilities) - 1 else: raise RuntimeError("Can't find a candidate to return. " f"Debugging info: Rand: {rand}, Probabilities: {self._probabilities}") return self.candidates[idx] if self.candidates else idx
[docs] class PermuteAndFlip(Exponential): r""" The permute and flip mechanism for achieving differential privacy on candidate selection, as first proposed by McKenna and Sheldon. The permute and flip mechanism is an alternative to the exponential mechanism, and achieves differential privacy by randomly choosing a candidate subject to candidate utility scores, with greater probability given to higher-utility candidates. Paper link: Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Privacy parameter :math:`\epsilon` for the mechanism. Must be in (0, ∞]. sensitivity : float The sensitivity in utility values to a change in a datapoint in the underlying dataset. utility : list A list of non-negative utility values for each candidate. monotonic : bool, default: False Specifies if the utility function is monotonic, i.e. that adding an individual to the underlying dataset can only increase the values in `utility`. candidates : list, optional An optional list of candidate labels. If omitted, the zero-indexed list [0, 1, ..., n] is used. random_state : int or RandomState, optional Controls the randomness of the mechanism. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during randomisation, ``random_state`` has to be fixed to an integer. """ def __init__(self, *, epsilon, sensitivity, utility, monotonic=False, candidates=None, random_state=None): super().__init__(epsilon=epsilon, sensitivity=sensitivity, utility=utility, monotonic=monotonic, candidates=candidates, measure=None, random_state=random_state) @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.bias) def bias(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.variance) def variance(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _find_probabilities(cls, epsilon, sensitivity, utility, monotonic, measure): scale = epsilon / sensitivity / (2 - monotonic) if sensitivity / epsilon > 0 else float("inf") utility = np.array(utility) utility -= max(utility) if np.isinf(scale): log_probabilities = np.ones_like(utility) * (-float("inf")) log_probabilities[utility == 0] = 0 else: log_probabilities = scale * utility return log_probabilities
[docs] def randomise(self, value=None): """Select a candidate with differential privacy. Parameters ---------- value : None Ignored. Returns ------- int or other The randomised candidate. """ self._check_all(value) candidate_ids = list(range(len(self.utility))) while candidate_ids: idx = candidate_ids[int(self._rng.random() * len(candidate_ids))] candidate_ids.remove(idx) if bernoulli_neg_exp(-self._probabilities[idx], self._rng): return self.candidates[idx] if self.candidates else idx raise RuntimeError(f"No value to return. Probabilities: {self._probabilities}.")
[docs] class ExponentialCategorical(DPMechanism): r""" The exponential mechanism for achieving differential privacy on categorical inputs, as first proposed by McSherry and Talwar. The exponential mechanism achieves differential privacy by randomly choosing an output value for a given input value, with greater probability given to values 'closer' to the input, as measured by a given utility function. Paper link: Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Privacy parameter :math:`\epsilon` for the mechanism. Must be in (0, ∞]. utility_list : list of tuples The utility list of the mechanism. Must be specified as a list of tuples, of the form ("value1", "value2", utility), where each `value` is a string and `utility` is a strictly positive float. A `utility` must be specified for every pair of values given in the `utility_list`. random_state : int or RandomState, optional Controls the randomness of the mechanism. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during randomisation, ``random_state`` has to be fixed to an integer. """ def __init__(self, *, epsilon, utility_list, random_state=None): super().__init__(epsilon=epsilon, delta=0.0, random_state=random_state) self._balanced_tree = False self._utility_values, self._sensitivity, self._domain_values = self._build_utility(utility_list) self._check_utility_full(self._domain_values) self._normalising_constant = self._build_normalising_constant() def _build_utility(self, utility_list): if not isinstance(utility_list, list): raise TypeError("Utility must be given in a list") self._normalising_constant = None utility_values = {} domain_values = [] sensitivity = 0 for _utility_sub_list in utility_list: value1, value2, utility_value = _utility_sub_list if not isinstance(value1, str) or not isinstance(value2, str): raise TypeError("Utility keys must be strings") if not isinstance(utility_value, Real): raise TypeError("Utility value must be a number") if utility_value < 0.0: raise ValueError("Utility values must be non-negative") sensitivity = max(sensitivity, utility_value) if value1 not in domain_values: domain_values.append(value1) if value2 not in domain_values: domain_values.append(value2) if value1 == value2: continue if value1 < value2: utility_values[(value1, value2)] = utility_value else: utility_values[(value2, value1)] = utility_value self._utility_values = utility_values self._sensitivity = sensitivity self._domain_values = domain_values return utility_values, sensitivity, domain_values def _check_utility_full(self, domain_values): missing = [] for val1 in domain_values: for val2 in domain_values: if val1 >= val2: continue if (val1, val2) not in self._utility_values: missing.append((val1, val2)) if missing: raise ValueError(f"Utility values missing: {missing}") return True @property def utility_list(self): """Gets the utility list of the mechanism, in the same form as accepted by `.set_utility_list`. Returns ------- utility_list : list of tuples (str, str, float), or None Returns a list of tuples of the form ("value1", "value2", utility), or `None` if the utility has not yet been set. """ utility_list = [] for _key, _utility in self._utility_values.items(): value1, value2 = _key utility_list.append((value1, value2, _utility)) return utility_list def _build_normalising_constant(self, re_eval=False): balanced_tree = True first_constant_value = None normalising_constant = {} for _base_leaf in self._domain_values: constant_value = 0.0 for _target_leaf in self._domain_values: constant_value += self._get_prob(_base_leaf, _target_leaf) normalising_constant[_base_leaf] = constant_value if first_constant_value is None: first_constant_value = constant_value elif not np.isclose(constant_value, first_constant_value): balanced_tree = False # If the tree is balanced, we can eliminate the doubling factor if balanced_tree and not re_eval: self._balanced_tree = True return self._build_normalising_constant(True) return normalising_constant def _get_utility(self, value1, value2): if value1 == value2: return 0 if value1 > value2: return self._get_utility(value1=value2, value2=value1) return self._utility_values[(value1, value2)] def _get_prob(self, value1, value2): if value1 == value2: return 1.0 balancing_factor = 1 if self._balanced_tree else 2 return np.exp(- self.epsilon * self._get_utility(value1, value2) / balancing_factor / self._sensitivity) def _check_all(self, value): super()._check_all(value) if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Value to be randomised must be a string") if value not in self._domain_values: raise ValueError(f"Value \"{value}\" not in domain") return True @classmethod def _check_epsilon_delta(cls, epsilon, delta): if not delta == 0: raise ValueError("Delta must be zero") return super()._check_epsilon_delta(epsilon, delta) @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.bias) def bias(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.variance) def variance(self, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @copy_docstring(Binary.randomise) def randomise(self, value): self._check_all(value) unif_rv = self._rng.random() * self._normalising_constant[value] cum_prob = 0 _target_value = None for _target_value in self._normalising_constant.keys(): cum_prob += self._get_prob(value, _target_value) if unif_rv <= cum_prob: return _target_value return _target_value
[docs] class ExponentialHierarchical(ExponentialCategorical): r""" Adaptation of the exponential mechanism to hierarchical data. Simplifies the process of specifying utility values, as the values can be inferred from the hierarchy. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Privacy parameter :math:`\epsilon` for the mechanism. Must be in (0, ∞]. hierarchy : nested list of str The hierarchy as specified as a nested list of string. Each string must be a leaf node, and each leaf node must lie at the same depth in the hierarchy. random_state : int or RandomState, optional Controls the randomness of the mechanism. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during randomisation, ``random_state`` has to be fixed to an integer. Examples -------- Example hierarchies: >>> flat_hierarchy = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"] >>> nested_hierarchy = [["A"], ["B"], ["C"], ["D", "E"]] """ def __init__(self, *, epsilon, hierarchy, random_state=None): self.hierarchy = hierarchy utility_list = self._build_utility_list(self._build_hierarchy(hierarchy)) super().__init__(epsilon=epsilon, utility_list=utility_list, random_state=random_state) self._list_hierarchy = None def _build_hierarchy(self, nested_list, parent_node=None): if not isinstance(nested_list, list): raise TypeError("Hierarchy must be a list") if parent_node is None: parent_node = [] hierarchy = {} for _i, _value in enumerate(nested_list): if isinstance(_value, str): hierarchy[_value] = parent_node + [_i] elif not isinstance(_value, list): raise TypeError("All leaves of the hierarchy must be a string " + "(see node " + str(parent_node + [_i]) + ")") else: hierarchy.update(self._build_hierarchy(_value, parent_node + [_i])) self._check_hierarchy_height(hierarchy) return hierarchy @staticmethod def _check_hierarchy_height(hierarchy): hierarchy_height = None for _value, _hierarchy_locator in hierarchy.items(): if hierarchy_height is None: hierarchy_height = len(_hierarchy_locator) elif len(_hierarchy_locator) != hierarchy_height: raise ValueError( f"Leaves of the hierarchy must all be at the same level (node {str(_hierarchy_locator)} is at " f"level {len(_hierarchy_locator)} instead of hierarchy height {hierarchy_height})" ) @staticmethod def _build_utility_list(hierarchy): if not isinstance(hierarchy, dict): raise TypeError("Hierarchy for _build_utility_list must be a dict") utility_list = [] hierarchy_height = None for _root_value, _root_hierarchy_locator in hierarchy.items(): if hierarchy_height is None: hierarchy_height = len(_root_hierarchy_locator) for _target_value, _target_hierarchy_locator in hierarchy.items(): if _root_value >= _target_value: continue i = 0 while (i < len(_root_hierarchy_locator) and _root_hierarchy_locator[i] == _target_hierarchy_locator[i]): i += 1 utility_list.append([_root_value, _target_value, hierarchy_height - i]) return utility_list @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.bias) def bias(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @copy_docstring(DPMechanism.variance) def variance(self, value): raise NotImplementedError